Open Water Swimming 101: Tackling the journey with deboer wetsuits

The sun glistens on the rippling surface as you dive into the cool, open water in your deboer wetsuit. No lane lines, no walls - just you and the open water. While the open waters appear peaceful, they conceal potential dangers that require respect, preparation, and proper gear like deboer wetsuits to navigate safely. As open water swimming grows in popularity, harrowing tales have surfaced. From bone-chilling waters that can trigger cold water shock to unexpected marine life encounters, the open expanse holds surprises at every turn. However, those who face these challenges equipped with deboer wetsuits are rewarded with an unparalleled sense of freedom, a connection with nature, and an invigorating adrenaline rush that keeps them going back for more.

As the popularity of open water swimming soars, so do tales of harrowing encounters. Drowning accounts for a staggering 79% of open water fatalities, often striking without warning due to fatigue, cramps, and hidden currents that can overwhelm even experienced swimmers.

The Dangers of Open Water Swimming

While the vast, open waters are charming, they also conceal serious threats. The icy chill can induce cold water shock - an involuntary gasping reflex that causes panic, water inhalation, and even cardiac arrest within the first 3 minutes of immersion. The oppressive summer heat brings its own risk of hyperthermia and exhaustion. These thermal dangers are amplified by the unpredictable, ever-changing conditions you'll face in open water environments.

Gear Up with deboer wetsuits:

Investing in a premium wetsuit from deboer is crucial for mitigating cold water risks. Their high-quality suits provide insulation against cold water shock, hypothermia, and afterdrop. But proper preparation is key - gradually acclimatize to cold temperatures and always enter the water slowly.

Unseen Hazards Lurking Below:

Unfortunately, open water swimming extends beyond just thermal issues. These environments can harbor an array of hazards not found in pools, including:

  • Harmful bacteria, parasites and pollutants from runoff and sewage discharge
  • Floating debris like logs or trash
  • Boat traffic that can easily overlook swimmers
  • Curious or aggressive marine life like seals

The open water conceals many unseen dangers, so taking precautions is essential for your safety and best swimming experience. 

Additional safety precautions open water swimmers should take:

Check Water Quality Reports

  • Check local municipal websites or beach authorities for latest water testing results
  • Avoid swimming within 48 hours after heavy rainfall when runoff can spike bacteria levels
  • Be cautious of areas near sewage discharge points or livestock operations
  • Use protective gear like earplugs, nose clips, and goggles in lower quality waters

Never Swim Alone

  • Always have a buddy or swim partner, especially in remote areas
  • Inform others of your specific swimming location, route, and expected return time
  • Consider using a location-sharing app to allow friends/family to track you
  • Bring a whistle or audible signaling device in case you need to call for help

Increase Visibility

  • Wear a brightly colored swim cap and consider a high-visibility tow float/buoy
  • Check the area for boat traffic and stay in designated swim zones when possible
  • Use a waterproof phone case and carry it in your tow float for emergencies

Carry Emergency Gear

  • Pack a waterproof bag with a whistle, emergency blanket, light stick, and snacks
  • Bring a compact personal flotation device you can quickly deploy if needed
  • For cold waters, pack an insulated heat preservation pouch or blanket

Avoid Hazardous Areas

  • Stay clear of areas with known sewage leaks, industrial runoff, or red tide events
  • Be cautious of areas with swift currents, eddies, or rapidly changing depths
  • Research potential marine life hazards like jellyfish or aggressive wildlife

Post-Swim Hygiene

  • Shower immediately after your swim using fresh water and soap
  • Never swallow or allow open water in your mouth to avoid ingesting bacteria
  • Clean any open cuts or scrapes thoroughly after swimming

The call of the open waters promises unmatched rewards - pure freedom, a refreshing connection with nature, and an adrenaline rush that will leave you craving more adventures. But to safely embrace these thrills, you must respect the waters by taking proper precautions. Follow's comprehensive safety guidelines, and invest in their premium, high-quality wetsuits to mitigate inherent risks like hypothermia and cold water shock. With deboer's top-tier thermal protection and the right preparation, the vast open expanses can become your personal playground for enjoying the mental and physical benefits of this thrilling sport. 

Check out our gear at or send us an email with any questions!